Tuesday, May 27, 2008

McAfee Knob

Considered by many to have the best view in all of Virginia, McAfee Knob at 3,200' was killer! Nice, easy graded hike up. Was absolutely full of dayhikers since it was Memorial Day. Was cool to see all of the families coming up - most would talk to us to find out about our journey's so far. The sun was hot - almost 85 degree's, and I bet we layed out on the rocks for almost 3 hours! Snackies had packed up some beer and offered to share. Probably close to 16 thru hikers just drinking, and soaking up the views and the sun. Doesn't get much better than that. The feet by the edge is "the" quintessential photo from this knob.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

freakin awesome.