Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Friendliest town on the trail

Made it to Damascus today! 460 miles in so far. Bill themseleves as the "friendliest town on the trail". Stopped by Dollar General for some clippers - got to shave that dome again. Going to get lunch with Half Elvis and The Breeze, drink some beer, resuply, eat a big dinner, drink beer, and head out tomorrow. The Breeze is taking a week off for shin splints. I'm planning on hitch hiking back for Trail Days since I have heard such good things about it. Gotta go explore now. Might be a while before I can update again. Keep those positive comments coming - love them!


KC's royal adventurers said...


Enjoy reading about your continued adventures. Time passes quickly here in the normal world...I'm sure you face some long days. I have my family reading along and they are enjoying hearing about your journeys!

Dave Caldwell

Morgan Miller said...

Awesome, more updates. I was getting anxious....keep up the pace. Looks like you have found your calling. Looking fit too!!!
Take care!

Mark said...

Keep it up KD! Just take it one day at a time. This is such a cool experience...definitely something you'll never forget. We're all cheerin' for you.

Mark Andrews