Sunday, April 6, 2008


First day of Sunshine!!! Here you can see what we have been hiking in for the last 5 days. Rain down in the gaps - 5 days of hiking, 5 days of rain. Mother Nature 1, Thru hikers 0. Made up good ground today - but have a Post Office to hit for my supplies. Today is Sunday so that wasn't a good plan. Hitch hiked for the first time - just 2 miles down the road to the Cloud 9 hostel - the locals help out the thru hikers whenever they can. This place rocks! Crutch (past thru hiker) runs it, for the owners - and showed me around the place: hot tub, kitchen, TV, bunkhouse, and a pond where I could pay to catch a fresh trout - which I did. He cooked it up for me, with some peas from the freezer, and some stove top stuffing we found in the hiker box. (hiker boxes exist at hostels for food and gear that people no longer want to carry). Pretty safe to say after these last 2 days - I'm not going to lose any weight on this journey. Sunshine, a hot shower, and full belly - better make up some big miles tomorrow.

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