Sunday, June 1, 2008

Well - good morning to you as well - sleepy head

Me and Smokin Joe (younger guy next to me) made our way to the Brown Mtn Creek Shelter (I think you can google earth the shelters) on Sat night around 6:30 pm, after getting a late start due to the gin. 18.5 miler. Read in the journal that Dutch Haus B+B does free lunch from 11-1pm everyday, and I had to go there for my drop anyway. After a few mins of talking - we agree to go for it on Sunday afternoon. Talked about hiking later that night - trying to knock off another 5 miles, but some dayhikers came by and offered us beer and smores down at their campsite - which we did not refuse. It was settled, we would get up at 4:00 am on Sunday, hike 19 miles (with the start being a tough 2,700' of elevation gain in 4.4 miles - over Bald Knob) and make it to the B+B by 12:30. Set the alarm and was on trail this morning by 4:45. Stumbling off rocks and roots in the dark - only our headlamps to light the way. We climbed Bald Knob and then really started rocking. We hiked 18.5 miles by 12:15!!!!!! (That's a typical day for me - and usually ending around 6:30pm). We didn't have cell reception and couldn't hitch - so had another mile or two to walk - but got in at 1:15 and Lois was happy to feed us. Stumpknocker had also rolled in for the lunch and joined us at the table. I am staying the night - but Smokin Joe is going to do another 10-12 - HUGE day for him, considering what we have already accomplished. I'm going to take a shower, do laundry, update this and resupply - picking my mail drop up tomorrow. We are now at mile 809 - passing the 800 mark today. What a great day. Considering that it is starting to get Africa hot everyday (plus humidity) likely need to start getting up earlier any way (just not 4:00 am).


elizabeth said...

can't wait to get to that Haus. sorry to hear bout your finger though it is quite funny seeing your lefthanded looking writings in the journals. we are in Glasgow at the library and taking it slow as we meet my parents in waynesboro on the 11th. thinkin about tubing the river for a bit in shenandoah, as others are talking about canoeing the whole thing (Babu and Cookie)! you should think about slowing down so we can see ya again. keep hikin the good hike brotha!
Hoot & Sundance

Dustan and Betsy said...

Duuuuuuude I don't know what's crazier - you coming across Dragon's Tooth with a dislocated finger, your wobbly-handed journal entries, or the crazy miles and hours you are pulling. I start reading "23" and my eyes get fuzzy and I don't compute.

We are now at the HoJo in Daleville, prolly doing the same thing you did days ago. Pool, continental breakfast, the life. It's June 6th and we're leaving out today. Hope to be in Waynesboro around the 16th.

Tree and Moonpie are SOBOs? A friend of mine went to a bridal shower and apparently met her/them there. We have a mutual friend. Weird. If you are hiking with her and get a chance, put their blog on my comments section.

Wish we could see you again - keep it up Blaze!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! Friend of Bull and Sweet Potatoe's here. Just checking out your blog like they instructed! Congratulations on your 800 mile mark! I am totally impressed - wanna take my 3 kids with you next time! Hanging out with them is just as interesting as hiking huge mountains with a dislocated finger! Check us out sometime if you are bored at

~Toni Jill