Monday, March 31, 2008

Stopping Point

Our feet and bodies were worn out. Morgan had horrible shin splints, and I had tendonities in my left knee - not to mention our feet. That morning we decided to go ahead and stop in Jefferson City on day 7 (125 miles). Getting to Herman was going to require two back to back 25 mile days - which we knew wasn't going to happen. We were both ok with it. If you would have asked me a week ago what my biggest fear was - I would have said not making it. That was stupid. You can't not start something just because you might not finish what you had in mind. So we didn't make 170 miles, we did cover 125 miles, and became thru hikers. I got to share a week with no emails, waking up to the sun, talking to a great friend, and meeting some interesting people in small towns. More importantly I learned what my body can do. Not to mention losing over 5 lbs in 7 days. Great for upcoming swimsuit season!

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